Magicians, Martyrs and Madmen Tarot


Sale price$65.30
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The deck strives to be inclusive of all genders, races, cultures, ages, body types and sexualities by featuring personalities from various places and differing times. You'll find magic workers from almost every continent, so there's sure to be somebody in the deck who resonates with you!

For every famous face here, such as Aleister Crowley or Marie Laveau, you'll be delighted to discover an equal number of obscure magic workers such as African magician Ngongo Lutete and English psychic medium Helen Duncan.

spirituality;occult;inclusive;Aleister Crowley;Marie Laveau;Ngongo Lutete;Helen Duncan

Magicians, Martyrs and Madmen Tarot

Magicians, Martyrs & Madmen Tarot is an 80-card deck that celebrates macabre and miraculous people from throughout history. This deck can be used to connect with the strange, sensual and spiritual figures who have shaped our world with their magic.

Travis McHenry has created this deck to reveal the deeper meaning of the tarot through the deeds – and misdeeds! – of witches, murderers, saints, cannibals and prophets. Like it or not, these are the people who helped build the mind/body/spirit community and there is so much more we have to learn from them!

Each card features original artwork of a magician, martyr, or mad person from the past who had a connection with spirituality or occult practices.

These original paintings were created by Venezuelan artist Christin Gottberg, and they capture the essence of the person on the card and the meaning behind the tarot card itself.

The Mythos Tarot cards

tormented Souls;magical;occultist;ritual magician

tormented Souls;magical;occultist;ritual magician

tormented Souls;magical;occultist;ritual magician

Justice – Matthew Hopkins

The Justice card represents equality, honesty and integrity. When reversed it indicates all the negative aspects of judicial authority, including bias and the failure of a lawsuit. On the card Hopkins is depicted holding a staff and rope, which replace the traditional symbols of the Justice card with ones more applicable to a modern world in which judges are rarely blind or balanced.

King of Wands – Vlad Dracula

The King of Wands represents a dark man who is honest and provides material and emotional security to the reader. He is austere and intellectual, like Vlad the Impaler, finding creative solutions to difficult problems. This card might indicate a creative pursuit or forthcoming news involving business.

King of Pentacles - Ratu Udre Udre

The King of Pentacles indicates business and intellectual aptitude, including mathematical ability. There is some pride represented on this card, but also protection. Udre Udre only ate his vanquished enemies, never his own people. He is depicted sitting calmly atop a pile of human skulls, showing that his high position came through his skilful conquest of those who opposed him.

tormented Souls;magical;occultist;ritual magician

How to use the Magicians, Martyrs & Madmen Tarot

In every reading you’ll find there’s a new lesson to be learned. As you interact with this deck and the personalities contained within you might be surprised to find you share more in common with them than you had ever imagined.

Let yourself be inspired by their passion, courage and even their money-making schemes while also taking care to avoid their greed, selfishness and psychopathic tendencies.

Hopefully when you read the short biographies of these historical figures you’ll discover that it doesn’t take noble birth or divine favour to transform yourself into a magician, martyr or madman!

tormented Souls;magical;occultist;ritual magician

Includes: 80 Cards, 128-Pages Full Colour Guidebook

Author: Travis McHenry

Dimensions: 11.5 x 5.08 x 17 cm

Weight: 544g

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